Frequently Asked Questions

1. First Aid

People at work can suffer injuries or be taken ill. It doesn’t matter whether the injury or illness is caused by the work they do or not, it is important to give them immediate attention and call an ambulance in serious cases. First aid at work covers the arrangements you should make to ensure this happens. It can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work. What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in your workplace and you should assess what your first-aid needs are (see Q3).

The minimum first-aid provision on any work site is:

  • a suitably stocked first-aid box (see Q4);
  • an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements (see Q5);
  • information for employees about first-aid arrangements (see Q8).

It is important to remember that accidents and illness can happen at any time. First-aid provision needs to be available at all times people are at work.

Some small workplaces may only need the minimum provision. But, there are factors that might mean you need greater provision. The checklist in Table 1 covers the points you should consider.

There is no mandatory list of items to be included in a first-aid container. The decision on what to provide will be influenced by the findings of the first-aid needs assessment.

As a guide, where work activities involve low hazards, a minimum stock of first-aid items might be:

  • a leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (for example, HSE’s leaflet Basic advice on first aid at work5);
  • 20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes), appropriate to the type of work (hypoallergenic plasters can be provided if necessary);
  • two sterile eye pads;
  • two individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile;
  • six safety pins;
  • two large sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings;
  • six medium-sized sterile individually wrapped unmedicated wound dressings;
  • at least three pairs of disposable gloves (see HSE’s leaflet Latex and you6).

Employers may wish to refer to British Standard BS 8599 which provides further information on the contents of workplace first-aid kits. Whether using a first-aid kit complying with BS 8599 or an alternative kit, the contents should reflect the outcome of the first-aid needs assessment.

There is no mandatory list of items to be included in first-aid kits for travelling workers.

Travelling first-aid kits might typically contain:

  • a leaflet giving general guidance on first aid (for example HSE’s leaflet Basic advice on first aid at work5);
  • six individually wrapped sterile plasters (hypoallergenic plasters can be provided, if necessary);
  • two individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile;
  • two safety pins;
  • one large sterile un-medicated dressing;
  • individually wrapped moist cleansing wipes;
  • two pairs of disposable gloves (see HSE’s leaflet Latex and you6).

Either of the above should be considered as suggested contents lists only.

If you decide you don’t need a first-aider in your workplace, you should appoint someone to take charge of first-aid arrangements. The role of this appointed person includes looking after first-aid equipment and facilities and calling the emergency services when required. They can also provide emergency cover where a first-aider is absent due to unforeseen circumstances (annual leave does not count). Appointed persons do not need first-aid training, though emergency first-aid courses are available. Even if you decide first-aiders are unnecessary, there is still the possibility of an accident or illness, so you may wish to consider providing qualified first-aiders. Appointed persons are not necessary where there is an adequate number of first-aiders.

A first-aider is someone who has undertaken training in accordance with the Health & Safety First Aid Regulations 1981. This means that they must hold a valid certificate of competence in either:

  • first aid at work (FAW), or
  • emergency first aid at work (EFAW)

You can obtain lists of suitable training providers and Awarding Bodies from HSE’s Infoline (see Q9 for contact details).

Use the findings of your first-aid needs assessment (see Q3) to decide whether first-aiders should be trained in FAW or EFAW. EFAW training enables a first-aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. FAW training includes EFAW and also equips the first-aider to apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illness. As a guide, Table 2 suggests the first-aid personnel to provide under different circumstances.

To help keep their basic skills up to date, it is strongly recommended that your first-aiders undertake annual refresher training. The training organisations referred to above can run these courses.

There are no hard and fast rules on exact numbers. It will depend on the circumstances of your workplace. After working through the checklist in Table 1, refer to Table 2 which provides a general guide on how many appointed persons or first-aiders you might need. The numbers given in Table 2 are suggestions only. You should assess your first-aid needs in the light of your particular circumstances. Where there are special circumstances, such as shift work or sites with several buildings, there may need to be more first-aid personnel than set out in Table 2. You will need increased provision to cover for absences.

You have to inform your employees of the first-aid arrangements. Putting up notices telling staff who and where the first-aiders or appointed persons are and where the first-aid box is will usually be enough. You will need to make special arrangements to give first-aid information to employees with reading or language difficulties.

Further information and lists of first-aid training organisations and Awarding Bodies are available from HSE’s Infoline (see below).

Information on first aid at work is available on the first aid web pages of HSE’s website at

More detailed practical guidance on complying with your first-aid duties is available in First aid at work. The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L74 HSE Books 2009 ISBN 978 0 7176 6260 9.

You may also find the following publications helpful:

  • The free leaflet Basic advice on first aid at work INDG347(rev1) HSE Books 2006 (single copy free or priced packs of 20 ISBN 9780717661930)
  • Two first aid posters: Basic advice on first aid at work HSE Books 2006 ISBN 978 0 7176 6195 4 and Electric shock: First aid procedures HSE Books 2006 ISBN 978 0 7176 6203 6.
  • The free leaflet Latex and you INDG320 HSE Books 2000

Checklist for assessment of first-aid needs

(Use the findings of your risk assessment and take account of any parts of your workplace that have different work activities/hazards which may require different levels of first aid provision)

Points to consider    

Impact on first-aid provision



Does your workplace have low-level hazards, like you might find in offices and shops?

The minimum provision is:

  • an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements;
  • a suitably stocked first-aid box

Does your workplace have higher level hazards, such as chemicals or dangerous machinery? Do your work activities involve special hazards, such as hydrofluoric acid or confined spaces?

You should consider:

  • providing first-aiders;
  • additional training for first-aiders to deal with injuries caused by special hazards;
  • additional first-aid equipment;
  • precise siting of first-aid equipment;
  • providing a first-aid room;
  • informing the emergency services.



How many people are employed on site?

Where there are small numbers of employees, the minimum provision is:

  • an appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements;
  • a suitably stocked first-aid box.

Where there are large numbers of employees you should consider providing:

  • first-aiders;
  • additional first-aid equipment;
  • a first-aid room. 

Are there inexperienced workers on site, or employees with disabilities or particular health problems?

You should consider:

  • additional training for first-aiders;
  • additional first-aid equipment;
  • local siting of first-aid equipment.

Your first-aid provision should cover work experience trainees.

Accidents and ill-health records:


What injuries and illness have occurred in your workplace and where did they happen?

Make sure your first-aid provision caters for the type of injuries and illness that might occur in your workplace.

Monitor accidents and ill health and review your first-aid provision as appropriate.

Working arrangements:


 Do you have employees who travel a lot, workremotely or work alone?


You should consider:

  • issuing personal first-aid kits;
  • issuing personal communicators/mobile phones to employees

Do any of your employees work shifts or work out of hours?

You should ensure there is adequate first-aid provision at all times people are at work.

Are the premises spread out, eg are there several 
buildings on the site or multi-floor buildings?

You should consider provision in each building or on each floor.

Is your workplace remote from emergency medical services?


You should:

  • inform the emergency services of your location;
  • consider special arrangements with the emergency services.

Do any of your employees work at sites occupied by other employers? 

You should make arrangements with other site occupiers to ensure adequate provision. A written agreement between employers is strongly recommended.

Do you have enough provision to cover for your first-aiders or appointed persons when they are absent?


You should consider:

  • what cover is needed for annual leave and other planned absences;
  • what cover is needed for unplanned and exceptional absences.



Do members of the public visit your premises

Under the Regulations, you have no legal duty to provide first aid for non-employees, but HSE strongly recommends that you include them in your first-aid provision. 

Suggested numbers of first-aid personnel to be available at all times people are at work.

1. From your risk assessment, what degree of hazard is associated with your work activities?

2. How many employees do you have?

3. What first-aid personnel do you need?

Low hazard 
eg offices, shops, libraries

Less than 25


25 – 50


More than 50

At least one appointed person

At least one first aider trained in EFAW.

At least one first aider trained in FAW for every 100

Higher hazard 
eg light engineering and assembly work, food processing, warehousing, extensive work with dangerous machinery or sharp instruments, construction, chemical manufacture

Less than 5


5 – 50



More than 50

At least one appointed person

At least one first aider trained in EFAW or FAW depending on the type of injuries that might occur.

At least one first aider trained in FAW for every 50 employed (or part thereof)

On the 1st October 2009 the Health and Safety Executive made changes to the workplace First Aid provision. There are now two levels of workplace First Aiders, depending on your risk assessment the chart shown below will assist in deciding on which course your First Aiders need to attend.

The two courses are as follows:







Responsibilities of the First Aider





Initial Assessment of an incident





Dealing with an unconscious casualty





Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation















Wounds and Bleeding





Minor injuries










Basic Hygiene










Spinal Injuries





Sprains and Strains





Eye injuries





Burns and scalds





Heart attacks / Angina















Sudden poisoning















2. Identifying Your First Aid Needs

The HSE’s new guidance for workplace first aid provision asks employers to consider the following when assessing first aid needs:

  • The nature of the work and hazards and/or risks
  • The number of people employed at the site
  • The number of inexperienced workers
  • Employees with disabilities or particular health problems
  • Employees with the characteristics of groups at higher risk from health conditions
  • Previous accidents or records of ill health
  • Recurring injuries or illnesses
  • Employees who travel a lot, work remotely or alone
  • Employee shift patterns or out of hours work
  • The layout of the workplace (eg. are the premises spread over a large area or split over several floors?)
  • The proximity of the workplace to emergency services
  • First aider absences (eg. through sickness or annual leave) and provision of cover
  • Access to your site by non-employees (eg. visiting members of the public).

There are many evidence sources that can help you to carry out a thorough first aid needs assessment. Some useful sources are as follows:

  • Accident report book
  • Work manuals and standard operating procedures
  • Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) notices
  • Crude indicators (such as age profile of your employees)
  • Work or shift patterns
  • Absence records
  • Ambulance response times
  • Distance to nearest medical help
  • Holiday patterns.

It is important that a regular review of your first aid needs is an integral part of your main risk assessment under The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. A first aid assessment every 12 months is an essential part of your duty of care for staff in the workplace. In addition, you should also review your first aid needs assessment if any of the following occurs:

  • An accident at work or an illness caused by work
  • Changes in work patterns or processes
  • Changes in personnel
  • Changes to the workplace (eg. a move to a different site or changes to equipment).

Please contact us to help you identify your first aid needs and determine the right level of first aid cover for your workplace. Our trained staff are always happy to help you. Contact us on 08450 665544

Please note: The advice and recomendations First Response First Aid Ltd provide does not replace the requirement for you carrying out a full risk assessment in your workplace.

3. Choosing The Most Suitable First Aid Training

Once you have identified your training needs, you should choose the appropriate training to satisfy all your requirements:

This can be a combination of any of the following:

1. The standard "HSE" courses.

  • The 3-day First aid at work course or the
  • 1-day Emergency first aid at work course

2. The standard "HSE" course with additional training


  • The 3-day First aid at work course with additional teaching time to cover defibrillator training.
  • The 1-day Emergency First Aid at work course with additional teaching time to cover Heart Attacks, Head Injuries, Strokes, Fractures, Burns & Scalds.

3. A bespoke training structure, customised to meet specific first aid needs.

You should consider what activities your staff undertakes as part of their job roles and consider additional training to meet their specific needs. The nature of your business, the work your employees undertake and the make-up of your workforce all bring specific first aid needs and may require additional training.

The most common additional training requirements we deliver are:

  • Automated external defibrillation
  • Anaphylaxis first aid
  • Paediatric first aid

Other common additional training needs are below:

  • Administering oxygen
  • Moving a casualty safely
  • Managing the effects of extreme heat and cold
  • Treatment of hydrofluoric acid burns
  • Treatment of cyanide poisoning
  • Treatment of a drowning casualty.

Customising your training session

Training can be conducted at your venue for groups or at our venues for smaller numbers or individuals.

Most courses that require additional subjects can still be accommodated in the same amount of days as the original training.


  • Add up-to one-hour defibrillator training module to your 3-day First aid at work or 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work course.
  • Add up-to one-hour to an Emergency First Aid at Work course to cover Heart Attacks, Head Injuries, Strokes, Fractures, and Burns & Scalds.
  • Add up-to one-hour to an Emergency First Aid at Work course to cover a Paediatric Element suited to a School enviroment.

4. First Aid Regulation Changes

The changes to first aid regulations that came into force 1 October 2013 remove the requirement for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to approve first aid training providers.

The removal of HSE approval process gives businesses greater flexibility to choose their own training providers and first aid training that is right for their workplace, based on their needs assessment and their individual business needs.

The workplace first aid regulations in Northern Ireland are different to those in England, Wales and Scotland. You need to ensure that you use an HSENI approved training provider for your workplace first aid courses.

The new law came into effect from 1 October 2013. Therefore employers must comply with the new regulations.
First Response First Aid delivers top quality workplace first aid training with the most up to date clinical practice. So the bottom line is, if you're working with us to train your first aiders, you can be sure that you're getting the right training to meet your legal obligations, both before the changes and now the regulations have been implemented.

We're here to cut through the complexities and make sure you have everything you need to stay on top of your workplace first aid requirements. There are several ways to make sure you know everything you need to:

  • Sign up to have our newsletters and we'll keep you informed of important developments
  • Read through all the First Aid FAQ's advice on our website
  • Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. We post important updates, respond to your questions and tell you about related issues that you should be aware.
  • Contact us by phone, we are always available to answer your questions and help you. Call 01543 372 888 to speak with a member of our team.

5. Choosing a First Aid Training provider

Due diligence: The importance of choosing the right first aid training provider

The regulation changes allow employers greater freedom in choosing a training provider and qualifications to meet their identified first aid needs. Employers must be satisfied that their training provider is competent in first aid and has the necessary quality assurance processes in place. First-aid training is available from a wide range of providers who choose to offer:

  • Regulated qualifications
  • Operate under voluntary accreditation schemes
  • Operate independently of any such accreditation scheme

Now here is the good news…

Due to the quality assurance systems we have in place, First Response First Aid Ltd are able to operate independently and certificate our own First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work courses. This means you don't have to pay an additional per-person price for certificates like you would if it was a "regulated qualification". Our systems and procedures are compliant with the Assessment Principles for First Aid Qualifications. These assessment principles have been produced by Awarding Organisations in cooperation with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), Skills for Health and Qualification regulators.

If you would prefer "regulated qualifications" i.e. certification provided by the CIEH etc. First Response First Aid Ltd are also able to provide these courses as we are an approved training centre with many of the awarding organisations.

This means that First Response First Aid Ltd is able to provide customers with all three options, as we are:

  • Offering regulated qualifications;
  • Providing courses formally assessed via the Voluntary Accreditation Scheme; and
  • Operating independently and providing our own accreditation
  • So sit back and relax, whatever route you choose we have it covered.

    If you require any further information, or wish to simply discuss how the changes may affect your business, please feel free to contact us on 08450 665544

    Please note: The workplace first aid regulations in Northern Ireland are different to those in England, Wales and Scotland. You need to ensure that you use an HSENI approved training provider for your workplace first aid courses.

    As HSE no longer approves first-aid training and qualifications, they have produced a document called "general information sheet No3" referred to as "GISN3" to help employers select a first-aid training provider.

    You can download a copy of this document from the HSE website by clicking here GISN3

    GISN3 advises on the levels of due diligence that you may be required to follow. When selecting a training provider you should check; the qualifications expected of trainers and assessors; monitoring and quality assurance systems; teaching and standards of first-aid practice; syllabus content; and certification.

    More detail is given in Table 1 and paragraphs 14 to 32 of GISN3

    Clearly, as an employer, you will require some assurance that the due diligence criteria are adequately met and that you have selected an appropriate training provider. All training providers should be able and prepared to demonstrate how they satisfy these criteria. Clarity in this area will be beneficial to both employers and first-aid training providers.

    First Response First Aid Ltd have collated this document and married it to exactly that of GISN3 to make your due diligence exercise on First Response seamless.

    To download a copy of our "Competence Document" please click here "First Response First Aid Ltd Competence Document"

    Our document starts with Table 1. Table 1 is the Checklist from GISN3 for evaluating the competence of first-aid training organisations. First Response First Aid Ltd have confirmed that we comply with all necessary checks and have provided a statement next to each requirement along with the evidence to back this up. In addition to this we have also provided the reference to the HSE Document GISN3

    We have put together all the required information and evidence in one document for your records however please be sure to come back and download our latest copy from this website as our Insurance, Trainers & Certification etc are continuosly been updated within the document.

    If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 08450 665544

    6. Certification questions (QCF, Ofqual etc)

    No, you need to look at the course description to see what courses can also be awarded the QCF certificate
    Where possible all our courses are mapped to the Ofqual QCF framework so the course content is usually the same but there will be additional assessment and/or work to complete which you can find on each course description.

    First Response First Aid are an approved training centre for the following Awarding Organisations:

  • CIEH - Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
  • HABC - Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance
  • QA - Qualsafe Awards
  • All awarding organisations above are regulated by Ofqual

    You can get funding for some QCF courses. We have put course and funding references on our websites. We are not able to gain funding advice, but if you need further course information please email us.

    Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)

    QCF is a new way of recognising achievement through the award of credit for units and qualifications. It allows learners to accumulate credit and gain qualifications at their own pace along flexible routes using smaller steps of learning.

    Ofqual, along with its partner regulators are responsible for the regulation of QCF. The regulatory requirements that apply to QCF are set out in the Regulatory arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework which are available on the Ofqual website.

    Within the QCF framework, every qualification and unit has a level and credit value. Each unit has a credit value based on the total number of hours of learning required to achieve it (notional learning). Each 10 hours of learning equals 1 credit. So, for example, if a unit takes 30 hours of learning, it will receive a credit value of 3. Notional learning includes both independent learning hours and guided learning hours. Levels vary from entry level to level 8 and there are three sizes of qualifications:

    • Awards (1 to 12 credits)
    • Certificates (13 to 36 credits)
    • Diplomas (37 credits or more)

    In the new framework you can have an award at entry level or an award at level 8. This is because the qualification type (award, certificate or diploma) represents the size of a qualification, not how difficult it is.

    7. First Aid Rooms

    You should provide a suitable first-aid room(s) where your first-aid needs assessment identifies this as necessary.

    Typical examples of the equipment and facilities a first-aid room may contain are:

    • a sink with hot and cold running water;
    • drinking water and disposable cups;
    • soap and paper towels;
    • a store for first-aid materials;
    • foot-operated refuse containers, lined with yellow, disposable clinical waste bags or a container suitable for the safe disposal of clinical waste;
    • an examination/medical couch with waterproof protection and clean pillows and blankets;
    • a chair;
    • a telephone or other communication equipment; and
    • a record book for recording incidents attended by a first-aider or appointed person.
    If possible, the room should be reserved specifically for providing first aid and a designated person (first-aider or appointed person) should be given responsibility for supervising it. The room should be easily accessible to stretchers and be clearly signposted and identified.

    First Aid at Work Legislation

    In the event of injury or sudden illness, failure to provide first aid could result in a casualty’s death. The employer should ensure that an employee who is injured or taken ill at work receives immediate attention.

    HSE will prosecute in cases where there is a significant risk, a disregard for established standards or persistent poor compliance with the law. More information can be found in

    HSE's Enforcement Policy Statement PDF.

    Employers’ legal duties:

    The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed.

    What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in the workplace. This includes whether trained first-aiders are needed, what should be included in a first-aid box and if a first-aid room is required. Employers should carry out an assessment of first-aid needs to determine what to provide.

    The Regulations do not place a legal duty on employers to make first-aid provision for non-employees such as the public or children in schools. However, HSE strongly recommends that non-employees are included in an assessment of first-aid needs and that provision is made for them.

    Further guidance can be found making adequate and appropriate provision for first aid in First aid at work: The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 - Guidance on Regulation.

    Assessment of first-aid needs:

    Employers are required to carry out an assessment of first-aid needs. This involves consideration of workplace hazards and risks, the size of the organisation and other relevant factors, to determine what first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel should be provided.

    First aid at work: your questions answered

    A free HSE leaflet, which contains a useful checklist covering the points employers should consider when carrying out the assessment.

    Application of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 to self-employed workers:

    If you are self employed you are required to ensure you have such equipment, as may be adequate and appropriate in the circumstances, to provide first aid to yourself while at work.

    You should make an assessment of the hazards and risks in your workplace and establish an appropriate level of first-aid provision. If you carry out activities involving low hazards (eg clerical work) in your own home, you would not be expected to provide first-aid equipment beyond your normal domestic needs. If your work involves driving long distances or you are continuously on the road, the assessment may identify the need to keep a personal first-aid kit in your vehicle.

    Many self-employed people work on mixed premises with other self-employed or employed workers. Although you are legally responsible for your own first-aid provision, it is sensible to make joint arrangements with the other occupiers and self-employed workers on the premises. This would generally mean that one employer would take responsibility for first aid for all workers on the premises. HSE strongly recommends there is a written agreement for any such arrangement.

    Special requirements for offshore work:

    Industry-specific legislation exists for the offshore industry to take account of the remoteness and difficulties associated with access to medical and health care expertise. The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations came into force in 1989. The Regulations require the person in control (such as an installation operator) to provide suitable medical and first-aid facilities, as well as sufficiently trained and competent first-aiders and offshore medics. The person in control should assess the level of first aid and health care provision needed on individual installations or barges. This will include how many trained offshore medics and first-aiders are needed, the amount and type of equipment and the types of drugs supplied. A minimum equipment list can be found in First aid and medical equipment on offshore installations, produced by the Oil and Gas UK link to external website.

    The person in control has to ensure that adequate health care and first aid is provided for everyone on the installation or barge, including visitors and contractors. This extends to people working on certain associated vessels (eg during installation commissioning or decommissioning). The person in control also has to make arrangements for a registered medical practitioner to supervise the offshore medic and give advice if necessary. This practitioner is usually based onshore. The offshore medic would normally have responsibility for the sickbay. The size, siting, layout and facilities of the sickbay should be sufficient to provide accommodation and medical support for an ill or injured person for up to 48 hours – see the Oil and Gas UK publication above for more information.

    Detailed information can be found in the Approved Code of Practice and guidance, Health care and first aid on offshore installations and pipeline works. This publication was revised in 2000 and provides supporting guidance to the Regulations. The Oil and Gas UK guidance referred to above should also be read in conjunction with this publication.

    More information on the offshore industry can be found in HSE’s Offshore website.

    Special requirements for diving:

    Under the Diving at Work Regulations 1997, a diving contractor is required to provide medical and first-aid equipment during a diving project. In the event of a diving medical incident, the diving supervisor remains in control of any action to be taken.

    HSE's web pages on diving include information on first-aid requirements for commercial inland/inshore and offshore diving projects.

    Why choose First Response? (First Aid) Ltd

    First Response (First Aid) Ltd have some of the most amazing trainers out there, and anybody who has had the pleasure of attending any one of the many courses would fully agree with this statement.

    Well done, team First Response (First Aid) Ltd and a big thank you goes out to our customers for providing us with so much positive feedback.

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